What are the shipping costs for my order?
The shipping costs vary depending on the country of destination. If you want to know exactly how much the shipping costs to your home will be, you can find this information in your shopping basket.
Alternatively, you can also find the shipping costs here: Shipping information
How do I get my order delivered free of charge?
Would you like to order from KoRo but don't want to pay shipping costs? No problem! If your order is worth 100 euros or more, we will pay the shipping costs for you. For deliveries to Switzerland, we bear the shipping costs for orders over CHF 120.
I have not reached the purchase value for free shipping
You have recently placed a large KoRo order and just need to resupply? Not enough products to reach the value to avoid paying shipping costs? No problem! Have a look at our new products. Here you will find products that are brand new in our shop and for which no nice product photos have been taken yet. When you add one of these products, the shipping costs are waived and you can also enjoy our brand new KoRo product!
Click here for the latest products: New at KoRo!
I live in Switzerland - do I have to pay anything in addition to the delivery costs?
Shipping to Switzerland? No problem for KoRo! We will cover additional costs such as customs clearance or other customs procedures. You only pay the advertised CHF 9.90 for shipping. If you purchase over CHF 120 from KoRo, we will also cover the delivery cost for you!